Oh Designie

Hybrid App: Development, UI Design, UX Design, Logo Design

This is a mobile game app for learning design fundamentals having fun! There are several 20-second mini-games focused on color, typography or layout. The user can practice each game alone, or join an online 'Competition' to compete with another player.

'Oh Designie' is a combination of 'about design' in Polish and 'rookie.' I hope this app will help people who are designers or interested in design.

My largest personal project taught me how to work on through a project. Before starting this project, I did not know about TypeScript, Redux, HOC nor props at all. I only knew that React Native is the way to implement both iOS and Android app at the same time by writing JavaScript. So I started with setting up Expo with JavaScript. Now I can say I know ES6, how props and states work, and React lifecycle, but also how to define TypeScript types and how to use Redux!

Visit: Landing Page
Category: Hybrid App
Date: Jun 2018
Logo Design

The logo represents a series of games in Oh Designie.

UI Design

Since a game app, vitamin colors and pattern backgrounds are used to make it looks fun!

ui design
Game Icon Design

These deformed game UI icons are used for game thumbnails.

game icons
User Badge Design

When reaching some certain levels, users can earn one of these badges.
